Seedhouse Natural Hen Layer Mix 20kg

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Seedhouse Natural Hen Layer Mix 20kg


Whole grain layer mix for free range and backyard hens.

Availability: 11 in stock

Why choose Seedhouse feed over pellets or straight grain?

  • Pellets are highly processed and move too quickly through the chicken’s digestive system to enable optimal nutrient conversion of the feed.
  • Pellets also lack a range particle size and texture, which is needed for the chicken’s gizzard to function at its best. Poor gizzard function leads to reduced acid production in the chicken’s digestive system, sub-optimal feed conversion and poor gut health, often seen in chickens having “loose” droppings.
  • Although some whole grain content in feed is beneficial to gut health, straight whole grain feeds often lack essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. They can also lead to an incomplete diet for the entire flock as the dominant birds will tend to get the best grains first

Essential Amino Acids – why are they so important?

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and essential for cell growth and repair and egg production. Chickens unlike ruminants (i.e. cows) do not have rumen bacteria in their gut to manufacture amino ac- ids, so it must be provided in their diet.
Seedhouse Hardworking hen and Classic hen are complete feeds that are specially formulated to supply the correct balance of amino acids, protein, energy and vitamins and minerals.

Fine Particles in Seedhouse feed

All Seedhouse feeds are cleaned of dust to ensure a premium product, you will however notice that there are fine particles in many of our feeds. Please don’t remove the finer particles from your feeder, they are an essential component of the feed. Chickens will seek different particle sizes at different times to suit their nutritional requirements, finer particles are equally as important as larger particles to achieve optimal chicken health. If you notice a large amount of fine components in the bottom of your feeder, don’t refill your feeder immediately give you chickens time to eat the small feed components.

Changing over to Seedhouse feed

If you notice any reluctance from your flock switching to a new feed, try introducing our feed into their ration gradually, mixing a bit of the old feed with the new. But don’t worry if they take a bit of time, they will eventually thank you for the improved diet!


What does all this mean for the chicken owner?

  • Seedhouse feeds have been formulated by an experienced nutritionist and are locally produced in Tasmania to provide the freshest and best possible feed for healthy, happy and productive chickens.
  • Seedhouse feeds contain no restricted animal material.
  • Seedhouse have provided a range of feeds, so you can pick the best feed option for your chickens and budget.
  • Well balanced feeds are more economical for owners as chickens do not over-eat to compensate for missing nutritional elements.
  • Seedhouse feeds are interchangeable, as chickens are habitual and visual feeders they can find it a disruptive to have their feed changed. Seedhouse feeds share core components in their feed so they can be readily interchanged across the range with little disruption for chickens. For example owners wanting to give their chickens a bit of a boost before laying can interchange the economical Hardworking hen for the premium Classic hen with little disruption.


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